The Family homes are private, please. More details on Funeral Times can be seen by clicking HERE
The Funeral service took place in our cathedral on Saturday 22nd March at 1.00pm, and was followed by burial in Sydare Cemetery.
To view the recording, just click
on Peggy's photograph.
St. Macartin's Cathedral
Last updated 22nd March 2025
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On-line streaming of services on YouTube
Streaming of each Sunday morning service normally starts at 10.55am on Sunday mornings - if you see no pictures after that time, refresh/reload the YouTube Page - look for a refresh button at the top looking something like one of these:
This red button will open the recording during the four to six days following the service.
Click here to view or download the current and old issues of "Cathedral News" - our monthly magazine
For people of faith in these difficult times, listening to Christian music, or better still, watching it being performed online, is very uplifting - a real spiritual experience. During the Coronavirus crisis, we introduced a page carrying links to music videos which we hope will be a blessing to all. You can access the page by clicking HERE
The Church of Ireland’s Daily Worship app brings content from the Book of Common Prayer and the Bible to your computer, smartphone or tablet, displaying readings and liturgies for each day of the year. Using it, you can grow in relationship with God through daily prayer and also by reading and meditating on Scripture. Click on the icon above to view on PC, or the app can be downloaded from Google Play or the Apple Store.

During 2021, the Church of Ireland Bishops’ Appeal released funds to support Covid relief efforts in India and also in Haiti following a devastating earthquake. And now the crisis in Ukraine has displaced numerous refugees in need of support by relief agencies and the Bishops' Appeal seeks urgent donations to go towards such humanitarian work. Individuals and parishes are invited to contribute to support these and other efforts. Taxpayers in the U.K. can give more help by “Gift Aiding” donations. For more details and to read a special press release, click on the Ukrainian flag here.
Please note that our archive links (services, weddings,
funerals etc are now hosted on a separate page. Click on the picture to the left to access.
Please note - in the event that a technical problem prevents a live transmission, we shall endeavour to upload a recording by five o'clock the same day.

The Dean Writes:
Dear Parishioners and Friends all around the world,
During Lent, we enter into a season of preparation, self-reflection and repentance when we seek to literally ‘turn around’
andrealign our lives and focus towards God. It is a time to give up things as well as take on new life-giving practices,
helping us rid ourselves of distractions and our own selfish desires. By doing so, we seek to live and love as more faithful
disciples of Jesus. In its most traditional form, Lent serves as a time of preparation in the run-up to Easter and is observed
from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. The bright colours which followed Christmas will be replaced by the more sombre colour of purple, and the Hymns will also reflect the mood of the season. On Easter day the brightness of the flowers, the church colours, the hymns of praise with the Gloria and alleluias reinstated will add to the joy and celebration of the day!
Lasting forty days, many Christians draw inspiration from the account of Jesus being tempted in the desert. Where for forty days Jesus was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing and at the end of the time ‘was hungry’. For Jesus, this time in the desert immediately prefixed what is seen as the start of His ministry, it was for Him, a time of preparation.
Lent should not be viewed as a legalistic or compulsory act, rather as a fantastic opportunity to set time apart for spiritual cleansing, renewal, and preparation in our own lives. During Lent, as well as the Sunday Services, for our own parishioners and friends there are two other midweek services at 7.30pm on Wednesday nights and at 11.00am on a Thursday mornings – maybe you could attend one of these? They only last thirty minutes! The Iona Room (Prayer Room) is open from 8.30am to late Monday to Friday – see article on pages 16 and 17 of our magazine (available to read on-line).
Use the season of Lent to re-connect with your Bible and with prayer. A good start may be to read over the events in the Gospel accounts which build up to Holy Week - Christ’s arrest, trial, crucifixion and glorious resurrection. Focus your attention on the suffering that Christ went through, and the purpose of that suffering. Explore Christ’s amazing grace and love. In view of this why not pause to consider your own faults and spend time in prayers of confession and repentance? Use the Reflections Booklet for Lent ‘The Way of Love’ that is available from the Cathedral Office or Cathedral Porch – see page 6.
If you are giving up things for Lent why not put the money you save to good use? Give it away or be a little more generous with what you put in
your FWO Envelope. If we are true to Christ’s teaching we should be more generous to His work. Why not support our Lenten appeal? – see page 8. Take a Missionary Box from the Cathedral Porch or a Gift Aid Envelope and return these during Holy Week. Why not set yourself the target of doing one random act of kindness each day?
Finally, why not make every effort to support all our special events this month? The Confirmation Service on 2nd March, The Ash Wednesday Service, St Patrick Day Service (Sunday 16th) and Mothering Day Service on 30th March. We have a very busy Parish with lots of activities, but nothing is successful without a good attendance so please make every effort to be there!
Let us all have a Holy and refreshing Lent and God bless you!
Yours very sincerely

Morning Prayer 1
11.00am 23rd March
(Click on the picture to view)
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A refresh button is found close to the top of a webpage and looks something like one of these, but smaller. Just click on it to reload the page.
A short video about the recent exhibition in the cathedral is now online. Click on the picture above to view it.
With sadness, we announce the
death of May (Peggy) Morrow on
19th March. Formerly of
Burnside Park in Enniskillen,
Peggy was the devoted wife of
the late William, dearly loved
mother of Rita, Trevor, Grant and
mother to Margo and the late Sarah.