St. Macartin's Cathedral
The Church of Ireland - part of the Anglican Communion

Messy Church
November 2013
Messy Church is a fresh expression of church for children and adults of all age that involves creativity, celebration and hospitality. It is a model of church successfully being used in thousands of churches across the world. Messy Church typically includes a welcome, a long creative time to explore the biblical theme through getting messy with arts and craft; a short celebration time involving story, prayer, song, games and similar; and a sit-down meal together at tables.

Why would St Macartin’s want to start a Messy Church? Quite simply, Messy Church is a way to share the love of God in Jesus in a way that's as accessible as possible. It is for families of our parish, but also for families in our area who don't belong to church.

Messy church meets once a month. Between 4:00 and 5:00 there are multiple craft activities for parents, grandparents, minders etc. to play with their children. There is a big emphasis on fun and togetherness. At 5:00 there is a short celebration followed by a meal at 5:30. Eating together is a really important part of Messy Church as it tells the story of God’s hospitality.

Messy church is an exciting initiative for the Cathedral!