St. Macartin's Cathedral

Last updated 14th January 2024
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On this page you will find links to videos that are of interest to church members. If you know of any on-line footage that would be appropriate here, we'd love to hear from you!

Please click on the links to view.

The Choir sings "They went with Songs to the Battle" at the Royal Albert Hall (1988)

Installation of the Dean as Rector of St. Macartin's Cathedral, Enniskillen
(28th September 2010)

A section of the choir sings "O Perfect Love" at the wedding blessing of Samuel and Céline Holmes in Willowfield Parish Church, Belfast (2011)

The Queen's historic visit to Enniskillen in 2012 (impartial Reporter video)

The Choir sings a version of St. Patrick's Breastplate during the Queen's visit to the cathedral

The Choir (augmented) sings "They went with Songs to the Battle" (2012)

Taoiseach Enda Kenny attends Remembrance service in Enniskillen in 2014

The Vicar of Baghdad (Canon Andrew White) visits the cathedral (2015)

The Choir sings "Pie Jesu"on Remembrance Sunday - November 2016

Choral Evensong in thanksgiving for the life of the Blessed John Sullivan (2018)

The Choir's variety concert on 29th March 2019 - edited highlights

The Enthronement of Right Rev Dr Ian Ellis as Bishop of Clogher  25th September 2022

The Dean's first Sit-out - December 2022

The Renaissance Chamber Choir concert February 2023 

Quadricentennial Anniversary Service from Enniskillen Cathedral - 24th March 2023

The Choir's variety concert on 12th December 2023

The Dean's Sit-out 2023 

D-Day Commemorative service 6th June 2024 

The Dean's Sit-out - December 2024 

The Longest Yarn Comes to Enniskillen January & February 2025

We are greatly indebted to Mr David Owens for a selection of eleven videos taken from television broadcasts relating to the cathedral - five of them being the BBC's "Songs of Praise". The earliest of these dates from 1982. David's father John, who died in January 2024 was a long term   choristers in our church for over sixty years and David's mother has given many years of service in the choir.

Click HERE to view them.