St. Macartin's Cathedral

We at St. Macartin's are always pleased to see visitors. Please make yourself known to us when you arrive at a service and we will acknowledge your presence without causing you the embarrassment of pointing you out! A Google map at the bottom of this page will help you find us. The grid reference, if you have a satnav, is 54.3463N and -7.6409W (54°20'46.7"N 7°38'27.2"W)
There are large public car parks very nearby which are free to use on Sundays and outside of 8am-6.30pm on other days, but if a service is in progress, our own car park is available, space permitting. Charges where applicable are inexpensive and on a "per hour" basis from ticket machines. In the car park behind the Salvation Hall (opposite our parish hall) there are spaces reserved for the charging of electric cars.
Our Sunday morning services are at 9am - lasting about 45 minutes in the side chapel, and at 11am in the main church lasting about an hour - a little longer if Holy Communion forms part of it. (The 11am services are also streamed on-line). Communion services are generally on the first and third Sundays of the month. There are currently no evening services, except on special occasions. Full members of other Christian denominations are welcome to join us at the communion table and children may come for a blessing. If you are unable to come up to the alter but wish to take part, if you make yourself known to one of the duty churchwardens, the minister and his/her assistant will bring the elements to where you are sitting. On the third Sunday, we generally have an informal family service, with refreshments provided afterwards.
A Thursday morning service takes place each week at 11am in the side chapel. Holy Communion is celebrated at each of these and the duration is about half an hour to 40 minutes and refreshments are served afterwards.
All of our services are based on sections found in the contemporary Irish version (no - not Irish language!) of the Anglican Book of Common Prayer and copies of these, along with Bibles and hymn books are available in the pews. The words of all the hymns modern and traditional, together with some text, are displayed during the 11am service on the large number of monitors dotted round the church. You may sit or kneel as you wish during prayers. People generally stand during singing, but if you feel unable to do so please remain seated - no one will mind at all!
At all of our normal services, we invite attendees to contribute to church funds, but of course there is no compulsion to do so - just let the collection plate pass by if you wish! There is no particular dress code so ladies don't have to wear hats and dresses and gentlemen don't necessarily have to wear suits and ties though many do. If you want to wear jeans and a T-shirt - that's fine. The important thing is that you come with a sincere desire in your heart to worship God in the fellowship of other Christians.
Recordings of services may be available on request.
If you are dropping in, just to see round our historic church rather than attend a service, you are most welcome. Entry is free and we are open generally, Monday to Saturday, from the beginning of May through till mid-October. You may find a guide on duty who will show you round on request, but if you just want to browse unaccompanied, that's fine - and feel free to ask the guide any questions that come to mind - and he or she will be pleased to help. Photography is fully permitted.
There is easy access for wheelchair users, unisex toilet facilities for all and a loop system for the hard of hearing.
We would be delighted if you would sign our visitors' book on the table in the foyer before you leave, including, if you wish, your comments. It is fascinating to look back through our books to see which countries and places our visitors come from!
If you have any queries, please ring our office between 9am and 12pm Monday to Friday: Telephone 028 66322917 (or outside the UK 0044 28 6632 2917). Alternatively please e-mail us to

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