St. Macartin's Cathedral

Last updated 19th October 2024
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On-line streaming of services on YouTube
Streaming of each Sunday morning service normally starts at 10.55am on Sunday mornings - if you see no pictures after that time, refresh/reload the YouTube Page - look for a refresh button at the top looking something like one of these:
This red button will open the recording during the four to six days following the service.
Click here to view or download the current and old issues of "Cathedral News" - our monthly magazine

For people of faith in these difficult times, listening to Christian music, or better still, watching it being performed online, is very uplifting - a real spiritual experience. During the Coronavirus crisis, we introduced a page carrying links to music videos which we hope will be a blessing to all. You can access the page by clicking HERE
The Church of Ireland’s Daily Worship app brings content from the Book of Common Prayer and the Bible to your computer, smartphone or tablet, displaying readings and liturgies for each day of the year. Using it, you can grow in relationship with God through daily prayer and also by reading and meditating on Scripture. Click on the icon above to view on PC, or the app can be downloaded from Google Play or the Apple Store.
During 2021, the Church of Ireland Bishops’ Appeal released funds to support Covid relief efforts in India and also in Haiti following a devastating earthquake.  And now the crisis in Ukraine has displaced numerous refugees in need of support by relief agencies and the Bishops' Appeal seeks urgent donations to go towards such humanitarian work. Individuals and parishes are invited to contribute to support these and other efforts.   Taxpayers in the U.K. can give more help by “Gift Aiding” donations. For more details and to read a special press release, click on the Ukrainian flag here.

Please note that our archive links (services, weddings,
funerals etc
are now hosted on a separate page. Click on the picture to the left to access.
Please note - in the event that a technical problem prevents a live transmission, we shall endeavour to upload a recording by five o'clock the same day.

The Dean Writes:

Dear Parishioners and Friends all around the world,

Over the summer we saw the Olympics and then the Paralympics. This brings to mind a number of New Testament
letters referring  to sport, including Hebrews: ‘Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses,
let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race
marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith’ (Hebrews 12:1-2).  The Christian life is compared to a long-distance race, but despite the struggles and obstacles, there is a great crowd of witnesses cheering us on. We have a Heavenly Father who loves us and a Saviour who has run the race before us. If we keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, He will enable us to finish the race.

During the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, the British athlete Derek Redmond was running in the semi-finals of the 400 metres. About 250 metres from the finish his hamstring tore. He fell to the ground in pain and stretcher bearers came over to him. However, Redmond was determined to finish the race and so he started hopping toward the finishing line. Suddenly Jim Redmond, Derek’s father, ran out of the stands towards him. “You don’t have to do this,” he told his son. “Yes, I do,” said Derek, to which his father said, “We’re going to finish this together.” They completed the lap with Derek leaning on his father’s shoulder. As they crossed the finish line, the spectators rose to give Derek a standing ovation. Although he did not win an Olympic medal, Derek Redmond finished the race with his father at his side. 

In our race of life let us make sure we keep our eyes on the finishing line - it might be closer than we realise! Let us not forget the encouragement we have to finish the race, and let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, and the prize He has promised us of eternal life! Let us also not forget others who, like Derek, might be struggling along the race of life!

Many people and their lifestyles are continually changing and not all for the better of the Christian Church. There are many families living ithe Enniskillen area and, of course, in the wider world who now have no church connections – children are not being baptised, there are civil marriages and non-religious funerals. If God has become less relevant in peoples’ lives where is the hope for the future? And I am not just thinking of their future in this world but their future in the next world! This is a growing factor, and everyone needs to be on the alert not to fall victim to growing secularism!  We need to be faithful to God and show that faithfulness in our everyday life and to be a regular attender (if able) at church. Stay connected, connect, or reconnect but do not disconnect! A Sunday or two at church missed, leads to three or four missed, and in turn leads on to months missed, and finally to years, and at that stage reconnections are hard to make – then secularism wins!

With the ministry we offer in St Macartin’s Cathedral no one should feel judged by their circumstance or feel ‘left out in the cold’ – we are open and available to welcome everyone regardless of situation or circumstance! You may know better than I know, of people who feel weary with life, troubled with one problem or another, have felt isolated or hurt by others, and need help on the race of life. These are the ones you need to extend the hand of friendship to and assure them that they are valued and welcome in our Cathedral –

      ‘Saint Macartin’s – At the heart of the Community Strengthening Commitment, Outreach, Worship and Christian Love’

To our own parishioners I say, as we begin the Autumn season, please make this widely known and invite others you know to join or re-join our church.

Yours very sincerely

Sunday Services 9.00am – 11.00am – Mid Week Service Every Thursday 11.00am – Holy Communion.

Holy Communion 2

Photographs from the "Knitwits" Coffee Morning (which raised about £2500 for the Children's Hospice) and also from the Harvest services are now on line. Click HERE to view the gallery and scroll down.