St. Macartin's Cathedral

Last updated 28th July 2024
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On-line streaming of services on YouTube
Streaming of each Sunday morning service normally starts at 10.55am on Sunday mornings - if you see no pictures after that time, refresh/reload the YouTube Page - look for a refresh button at the top looking something like one of these:
This red button will open the recording during the four to six days following the service.
Click here to view or download the current and old issues of "Cathedral News" - our monthly magazine

For people of faith in these difficult times, listening to Christian music, or better still, watching it being performed online, is very uplifting - a real spiritual experience. During the Coronavirus crisis, we introduced a page carrying links to music videos which we hope will be a blessing to all. You can access the page by clicking HERE
The Church of Ireland’s Daily Worship app brings content from the Book of Common Prayer and the Bible to your computer, smartphone or tablet, displaying readings and liturgies for each day of the year. Using it, you can grow in relationship with God through daily prayer and also by reading and meditating on Scripture. Click on the icon above to view on PC, or the app can be downloaded from Google Play or the Apple Store.
During 2021, the Church of Ireland Bishops’ Appeal released funds to support Covid relief efforts in India and also in Haiti following a devastating earthquake.  And now the crisis in Ukraine has displaced numerous refugees in need of support by relief agencies and the Bishops' Appeal seeks urgent donations to go towards such humanitarian work. Individuals and parishes are invited to contribute to support these and other efforts.   Taxpayers in the U.K. can give more help by “Gift Aiding” donations. For more details and to read a special press release, click on the Ukrainian flag here.

Please note that our archive links (services, weddings,
funerals etc
are now hosted on a separate page. Click on the picture to the left to access.
Please note - in the event that a technical problem prevents a live transmission, we shall endeavour to upload a recording by five o'clock the same day.

The Dean Writes:

Dear Parishioners and Friends all around the world,

For those of us living in the northern hemisphre, summer is, for many, a moment to pause; one to take a break –  a time,
perhaps, to live in the present moment and to remember, as Ecclesiastes 3:1 states, ‘there is a time  for everything,
and a  season for every activity under Heaven.’ These words remind us that it is God who has appointed the times,
seasons, and events in our lives. Of course,  sometimes we may wonder about that; it is easy to doubt that God has it
all together when we look at what is going on in the world around us or where  our own life has descended into what may
feel so often like chaos. However, things may appear to us, God has always got everything under control and  always has a purpose in everything, even if we sometimes have a tough  time understanding what that purpose might be. As the apostle Paul writes in his letter to the Christians in first century Rome: “And we know that in all  things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to His purpose” (Romans 8: 28). The secret is, I think, to discover, accept, and appreciate God’s perfect timing and to remember too, that  we live in a world of change. The evidence of that is all around us. Spring becomes summer. Summer will give way to the autumn, and then autumn – in its turn – will give way to the winter. But, in all that change, we can still hold  on to the knowledge that God is in control and that change can be a good thing indeed. After all, change helps us to learn and to adapt and to grow inside; it can stretch us and challenge us by causing us to grow  through the ups and downs of life. It can also keep us from getting  bored. Are you the same person you were ten years ago, or five years ago, or even one year ago? 

The one constant, of course, is the One who is in control of everything. God does not change, and that means that we can count on Him always to be with us and to do the right thing: ‘He has made everything suitable for its time; moreover, He has put a sense of past and future into their minds, yet they cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end’ (Ecclesiastes 3: 11). God has set everything for its time, so take  the time to enjoy yourself. Make the best of each event and of each season of change.  Enjoy your family and your home, your health, and your holidays. Enjoy coming to church – yes, come to church and enjoy it! After all, God has made everything beautiful in his time and even in the painful things of life God is there. Sometimes all we can see is the middle of God’s work and not the end, but He knows the beginning from the end, and He is always with us. So, take some time this summer to enjoy the moment. Hold on, in trust, in every moment, to God who is in control. Hold on to the One who loves us and who promises that as we trust in Him, He will provide for all our needs.

If you are fortunate enough to get away on holiday, that is good; but if  not, a few quiet days at home may be just as refreshing. God designed us to need rest at every level of life, from physical to emotional to spiritual. So, I do hope that you all have a pleasant and refreshing summer, whether at home or on holiday, and may you experience the love of God and be able to share that love with those whom you meet.

Yours very sincerely

Sunday Services 9.00am – 11.00am – Mid Week Service Every Thursday 11.00am – Holy Communion.

Morning Prayer One